Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week of September 8, 2014

First of all...   CORRECTION:    
Last week's Blog should have listed the Early Release Days as a 12:00 pm release. This has been corrected below and on the blog for last week.  Also, the first date was in error.  The correct date is October 6th.  I'm sorry for any problems this may have caused. 

Coming up!
This Wednesday
Wednesday Sept. 10th will be our Back to School Night and 6th Grade GATE Meeting.  The 6th Grade GATE Meeting starts at 5:00 pm in the MPR.   At 6:00 pm we will begin with a couple of songs by the school band in the MPR, directed by Mr. Brozene followed by a shortened bell schedule from zero to 9th Period.  Your student will come home with their daily schedule for you to follow.  Each period is 10 min. long followed by a 4 min. passing period.   

ELA/Core and Math/Science Core could be up to 38 min. long so there will be plenty of time to get the information you need and get around the campus as well.  The bell will be rung at the different intervals along with some announcements.   We hope to see someone from the student’s family at our Back to School Event!  And stop by the Parent Club table in front of Learning Center for Parent Club information!


SEPT 12TH:  

Fabian Ramierez is a motivational speaker and Bullying expert.  We will be having a separate assembly for each grade level.   For more on Mr. Ramierez, click on the website address above.   We will have more speakers throughout the school year. 
“We brought in a fabulous speaker, Fabian Ramirez, who spoke to our students and motivated them and left them with encouraging words to make changes in their lives, I highly recommend him as a guest speaker.”
-Angie Hoard, Williamson County Academy

“Fabian's relatability to our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders is unmatched. I HIGHLY recommend him to be a speaker at your school”
-Educator, Chicago Public Schools

Teachers will be participating in staff development together to further enrich their understanding and practice with Common Core.  There will not be any school for students, but the teachers will be working hard.   Other full day staff development dates are:  Fridays, October 31st and January 23rd

As we have over the last couple of years, middle schools will have early release days so that the teachers can collaborate together on curriculum and lesson planning.  This year’s dates are as follows: 
October 6th, December 1st , February 23rd, March 16th and May 4th.  

School is let out at 12:00 pm on these days.   All classes are attended with some minutes taken off each class period.  


After School Programs up and running!

All students interested in year book, please check with Ms. Kalman, room 10 for an application. 

Attention all gamers.  Be sure to stop by room #3  after school on Thursday's for the Gamers Guild.

Come to the drawing club on Wednesdays and Fridays after school from 2:50 to 4:00pm.  Meetings are in room #22.  Join your friends and have a fun drawing.  Please bring your preferred art supplies.

All interested students Garden club will start on Wednesday, Sept. 10th after school from 2:50 pm - 5:00 pm.  Meetings will be in room #27.  Bring a friend.

Attention Knitters and Artist--- Knitters Niche and Abstract Art Club will have their first meeting get together this Friday, September 12 from 2:50 - 4:00 pm at the Learning Center. It is a first come - first serve basis only, please do not miss the first meet or see Mrs. Mukai.

Bear Den and After-school tutoring in the Learning Center will start the week of Sept. 15th.  Bear Den will be during lunches, as always and tutoring (staffed by CalSOAP) will be Monday - Thursday’s from 2:39 pm - 4 pm.

Picture make up day will be Sept. 16th from 8:00am until 8:25am or during your lunch period. 

That’s all for now!  Have a great Week!

Greg CL