Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week of September 22, 2014

Hello and here is the Word of the Week!
Use the word of the week at home, such as, 
"I think you better go to your room young man/woman and compose yourself!"

To make or form by combining things, parts, or elements:
He composed his speech from many research notes.

To be or constitute a part or element of:
a rich sauce composed of many ingredients.

To make up or form the basis of:
Style composes the essence of good writing.

To put or dispose in proper form or order:
to compose laws into a coherent system.

To organize the parts or elements of (a picture or the like).

To create a musical, literary, or choreographic work.

To end or settle (a quarrel, dispute, etc.):
The union and management composed their differences.

To bring (oneself, one's mind, etc.) to a condition of calmness, repose, etc.; calm; quiet.


Wrestling and Girls Basketball is just around the Corner!  Both sports start in October...  next week we will publish the schedules


Parent Club
The Parent Club is looking for parents to join the team so that they can continue to support our students and teachers.  If you are interested, come to the Parent Club's next meeting on October 1st at 7:00 pm in the Learning Center!


We will be having Kona Ice as a fundraiser this year again.  Last year we started it late in the spring and was still able to raise a hundred dollars.  Our goal this year is $1,000.  All funds will be put into the Parent Club ASB account for our students.  
Starts Monday the 22nd!  and every Monday there after
after school... 
(unless we really have a winter) 


First Dance of the School Year this Friday. 
We have made some changes…. 
1.    If a student owes a book, text or replacement fees they will not be able to go to the dances while they owe the amount unless their parent of guardian has an economic hardship and has made arrangements.   If there will be hardship in paying for any lost items, make sure you make arrangements with the front office so that we can have your student “work” off the owed amount.  Contact the front office soon so there will be time to make the arraignment.  Need not have completed the hours to be illegible to go to the dance, but we need to have the arrangement signed in order to participate.   Brownell loses thousands of dollars a year in lost books.

2.    NEW HOURS and ACCOMMODATIONS!  This dance we will be having 6th grade go first from 5:00pm to 6:30 pm and the 7th and 8th graders will go from 6:30 pm to 8:00pm.  We thought we would give it a try and the students like the idea.  


As we have over the last couple of years, middle schools will have early release days so that the teachers can collaborate together on curriculum and lesson planning.  This year’s dates are as follows:
October 6th, December 1st, February 23rd, March 16th, and May 4th.

School is let out at 12:00 pm on these days.   All classes are attended with some minutes taken off each class period.


After School Programs and Bear Den up and running!

Ms Kalman
Rm 10
Drawing Club
Rm 22
Gamer’s Guild
Rm 9
Drawing Club
Rm 22
Garden Club 
Rm 27
Kitters and
Abstract Artists
Learning Center
Bruin Today
Rm 7
Learning Center  
Learning Center  
Learning Center
Learning Center
Bear Den
At Lunch
Learning Center
Bear Den
At Lunch
Learning Center
Bear Den
At Lunch
Learning Center
Bear Den
At Lunch
Learning Center
Bear Den
At Lunch
Learning Center


That’s all for now!  Have a great Week!
Greg CL