Hello Bruin Community!
I would like to start his week with a short video with Sir Ken Robinson:
The Brownell W.O.W.
(word of the week)
Help your student use the Word of the Week in his school work this week!
applicable, at issue, germane, in dispute, in hand, in question, pertinent, related, to the point, under consideration
Such as:
"Studying the middle east in Social Studies is important for history and is very relevant today."
such as:
"With such rapid change in the technology world what is relevant today, may not be relevant in the future."
Well... we have nestled into a cozy 900 students this year--50 less than at this time last year.
All three middle schools are now getting into balance (South Valley 866, Solorsano 853) after years of students moving back and forth between schools. At one time not too long ago, Brownell was down to 620 and Solorsano was up as high as 1150. The school choice part of the federal No-Child-Left-Behind was in my opinion, good for some, but not so good for most. A lot of money spent for a very short period of time. Now all three middle schools are in (PI) Program Improvement. Now maybe we can look at program improvement as a positive and what we are always striving for.
The settled numbers will make planning and budgeting less costly and we can spend our time teaching and administrating our programs. Facilities issues will now be better attended to as well since we aren't adding more classrooms to schools only to have them vacant a few years later.
Positions for Parents:
We need at least two parents to be on our School Site Council.
We meet once per month and look at the part of the budget that is called categorical that is attached to specific expenditures and budgets. The School site Council recommendations to the Board are taken very seriously. Let me know if you are interested.
We need at least one parent to be on our Olweus Bully Prevention Committee. We will be following the Olweus program and instituting research based bully prevention practices. There are two days for training provided and the committee will meet approximately once per month. Let me know!
Picture make up day will be "this" Tuesday, Sept. 16th
8:00 am until 8:25 am or during lunch period.
Parent Club
The Parent Club is looking for parents to join the team so that they can continue to support our students and teachers. If you are interested, come to the Parent Club's next meeting on October 1st at 7:00 pm in the Learning Center!
We continue to scour the land looking for a Spanish teacher willing to teach one class at 7:30 am every morning M-F (we don’t make it easy do we?). Or even after school if possible!
We won’t give up, but as of now, no such luck! If you know of anyone who is credentialed to teach Spanish and doesn't mind the schedule, please let me know!
Fabian Ramirez’s presentation on Friday was very well received by the students and staff. For more of Fabian and his work go to: runbiscuit.com. He would love to hear from the kids and send them more of his “biscuits of wisdom”!
Teachers will be participating in staff development together to further enrich their understanding and practice with Common Core. There will not be any school for students, but the teachers will be working hard. Other full day staff development dates are: Fridays, October 31st, and January 23rd.
As we have over the last couple of years, middle schools will have early release days so that the teachers can collaborate together on curriculum and lesson planning. This year’s dates are as follows:
October 6th, December 1st, February 23rd, March 16th, and May 4th.
School is let out at 12:00 pm on these days. All classes are attended with some minutes taken off each class period.
After School Programs and Bear Den up and running!
Ms Kalman
Rm 10
Drawing Club
Rm 22
Gamer’s Guild
Rm 9
Drawing Club
Rm 22
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Garden Club
Rm 27
Kitters and
Abstract Artists
Learning Center
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Bruin Today
Rm 7
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Learning Center
Learning Center
Learning Center
Learning Center
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Bear Den
At Lunch
Learning Center
Bear Den
At Lunch
Learning Center
Bear Den
At Lunch
Learning Center
Bear Den
At Lunch
Learning Center
Bear Den
At Lunch
Learning Center
That’s all for now! Have a great Week!
Greg CL