Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 31, 2014

Coming Events for you and/or your student!  

SEPT 3RD:  On this day your student will receive their ID and Lanyard and he/she will be required to wear them every day at school thereafter.  A great TIP to have your Lanyard ready each morning is to PUT THE LANYARD IN YOUR BACKPACK AT THE END OF THE DAY!  

I am asked about the lanyards by parents every year as to its purpose.  There are two main aims  which we strive to meet. One speaks to safety and the other is to keep track (earned stickers) of responsible behavior.

The recent Napa earthquake was literally and figuratively a wake up call to be prepared for a crisis.  If there were to be a crisis of any kind that would require us to identify any of our students for medical reasons, the ID enables us to not only identify the student but if that student requires a specific medical response, we would be able to act quickly.  

Also, since we know that our students have ID’s, any student we find on our campus who is not wearing an ID will stand out.  There are times that students from other schools try to come on campus and not always for good purposes, but we are able to locate and stop them.  And yes, our students sometimes end up at other schools too!  Believe it or not, there have been times when they have accommodated the other school by having their lanyard on!

The other reason for the lanyard ID is to have a constant reminder of Passport to Success stickers rewarded and possible stickers to earn in the future.  

Our first Passport event is scheduled in October.  Like last year, the 49er Gatorade Jr. Training Camp will be brought to  our school! 
The 49er's hold free football  camps throughout the season and off-season. The 49ers Gatorade Jr. Training Camps offer children the opportunity to learn football skills like passing, ball carrying and tackling while also learning about proper hydration.  The number of stickers required will be set in a few weeks.  

SEPT. 3RD:   Parent Club Meeting in the Learning Center.  Come and be a part of a dynamic Club for Parents so that you too can help your student's school.   

Wednesday Sept. 10th will be our Back to School Night and 6th Grade GATE Meeting.  The 6th Grade GATE Meeting starts at 5:00 pm in the MPR.   At 6:00 pm we will begin with a couple of songs by the school band in the MPR, directed by Mr. Brozene followed by a shortened bell schedule from zero to 9th Period.  Your student will come home with their daily schedule for you to follow.  Each period is 10 min. long followed by a 4 min. passing period.   ELA/Core and Math/Science Core could be up to 38 min. long so there will be plenty of time to get the information you need and get around the campus as well.  The bell will be rung at the different intervals along with some announcements.   We hope to see someone from the student’s family at our Back to School Event!  And stop by the Parent Club table in front of Learning Center for Parent Club information!

Fabian Ramierez is a motivational speaker and Bullying expert.  We will be having a separate assembly for each grade level.   For more on Mr. Ramierez, click on the website address above.   We will have more speakers throughout the school year. 

Teachers will be participating in staff development together to further enrich their understanding and practice with Common Core.  There will not be any school for students, but the teachers will be working hard.   Other full day staff development dates are:  Fridays, October 31st and January 23rd

As we have over the last couple of years, middle schools will have early release days so that the teachers can collaborate together on curriculum and lesson planning.  This year’s dates are as follows: 
October 6th, December 1st , February 23rd, March 16th and May 4th.  

School is let out at 12:00 pm on these days.   All classes are attended with some minutes taken off each class period.  

CROSS COUNTRY IS OFF AND "RUNNING"!   Wrestling and Girls Basketball begins in October!

That is it for now,
Have a great week!

Greg CL