Hello all!
Monday, May 4th ….is early noon dismissal day!
8th Grade News
Jamba Juice will be on campus this week, Friday!!! Proceeds of the sales will go towards our 8th Grade Promotion Dance ---Please enjoy a drink or two, and support our Promoting Class of 2015!
8th Grade Promotion Dance - Tickets for Sale!
Promotion Dance tickets will be sold during 8th grade lunch on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
On May, 4th - Monday - ALL 8th GRADERS---PLEASE meet on the South Field side (by room 31) for PANORAMIC Group picture during 1st Period. Please submit order forms to the front office now or before May 15th.
*Memo: We just changed the picture date from 5/1 to 5/4---Thank you!
Please DO NOT FORGET to order your leis online - http://www.kahunaflowers.com/
LEIS: Single - $25 Double $35
KUKUI Nuts $20 - personalized with our school colors! Kukui nuts will be sold during lunch on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday!!!
8th Grade Promotion Dance - Donations - NEEDED
Attention: Brownell Families!
The following items listed below are what the Promoting Class of 2015 still in need:
CASES OF WATER BOTTLES: Small bottles are preferred – if possible.
WHITE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS: Will be happy to return them if you tag them with your name and phone number. We would like about 50-60 strands of these. Any kind is appreciated as long as they are white.
GIFT CARDS: Gift cards in $5 increments for any local shops that your kids love ie: Target, Baskin Robbins, Starbucks, Fro-Yo, Jamba Juice… you get the idea. These will be door prizes at the dance.
TABLECLOTHS: We need 9 Bright RED – Thick Tablecloths
Snacks: Assorted MINI cupcakes, fortune cookies.
EXTRAS – VERY IMPORTANT: Painters tape, Extension cords, Chinese Lanterns, 3 - 4 WHITE PATIO AWNINGS that we can borrow!
Any further information please email Mrs. Yafai or Mrs. Mukai via schoolloop or call the office @ 408-847-3377--- THANK YOU! ☺
Bear Den will be OPEN TODAY during lunches to assist students with their homework. Bring textbooks and other materials that will be needed to complete your work.
CalSOAP tutoring right after school until 4:00 pm, please bring homework and projects that needs to be completed!
-What’s happening in SPORTS this Week?-
- Track Schedule for the Week of May 4th-
Monday - May 4th- no practice
Tuesday - May 5th practice 2:50- 4:30 pm
Wednesday - May 6th Team Pictures 3pm North Field
wear jersey and bring order form
Thursday, - May 7th practice 2:50- 4:30pm North Field
Friday - May 8th Track Meet @ CHS 3:30 start time
All JV boys soccer players return your white or maroon jersey to room 21 ASAP!
-If you ordered a sweatshirt for soccer or volleyball - please pick up in room 21-
Brownell Talent Show …is Coming Soon!
Do you know how to dance, sing, or play an instrument? What about skills like gymnastics, karate, tae kwon do or judo? Be a part of the act! Come and share your talents and let them shine on stage!
Audition forms can be picked up from the front office and please submit it to Mrs. Mukai by May 11th. – Thank you ---Mr. Gonzales.
Word of the WEEK
[en-vahy-ruh n-muh nt, -vahy-ern-]
the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu.
Ecology. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors surrounding and affecting a given organism at any time.
the social and cultural forces that shape the life of a person or a population.
Computers. the hardware or software configuration, or the mode of operation, of a computer system:
In a time-sharing environment, transactions are processed as they occur.
an indoor or outdoor setting that is characterized by the presence of environmental art that is itself designed to be site-specific.
That is all for now! Mr. CL