Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Week of May 18, 2015

Hello everyone!

Well, I didn’t return last Thursday as I had hoped and I won’t be back until next Tuesday.  The surgeon was not easily fooled by my subpar acting job and he wants me to take some more time…  I do take three short walks a day which I will be increasing time and distance over the next week and one-half and my goal is to be able to sit long enough to get something done, stand long enough to have a conversation and walk fast enough so I can make it out to the Village within a few minutes… and not have to take a nap every day… I do like the naps though…  

When I return, you might see me flinch now and again when I feel a sharp pain or two… this is normal as my operation was to release compression on my nerves, but the damage to my nerves is already done...and it will take some time to heal.   So a bit more time and then I will be back!

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Here are some main items on the calendar for the week!

CJSF will be off to Stanford University on a field trip!
3:00 pm:  PLC meeting day… there have been a number of teachers leaving long before 4:15 on our PLC days… I guess that means you don’t need extra time for anything… hmmmm?

Spring picture make-ups at noon.  
Min. Day school is out at 12:00 pm. and no school on Monday the 25th -- Memorial Day

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WoW Word of the Week!
verb, achieved, achieving.
to bring to a successful end; carry through; accomplish:
“The police crackdown on speeders achieved its purpose.”
to get or attain by effort; gain; obtain:
“We are here to achieve victory.”

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Track Schedule for the Week of May 18th-

Monday- May 18th  - no track practice

Tuesday- May 19th -  Track practice 3:45- 4:30 pm

Wednesday- May 20th - Track practice 3:45- 4:30pm
Thursday- May 21st - Track Division Finals @ CHS
Friday- May 22nd - no track practiceRadiating Stripes Stock by
Thought I’d keep it short, like my walks….
~ Mr. CL