Here is a funny, heartwarming and if you think about it...
maybe not so funny video? :)
After weeks of waiting to hear final word on our California Gold Ribbon School award, Brownell was selected as one of the secondary school winners on Monday, May 4th. For the next two years because of testing changes, the State will be awarding the Gold Ribbon Award instead of the Distinguished School Award, as the two have slightly different criteria, but equal prestige. Brownell will also be awarded a Title 1 Academic Achievement Award! Award Ceremonies for our region of the State will be on May 29th in San Francisco. Way to go, Bruins!
Jamba Juice will be on campus this Friday!!! Proceeds of the sales will go towards our 8th Grade Promotion Dance ---Please enjoy a drink or two, and support our Promoting Class of 2015!
8th Grade Promotion Dance - Tickets for Sale!
Please buy your Promotion Dance tickets now --- it is nearly just five weeks away --- tickets will be sold during 8th-grade lunch inside BEAR DEN! This year’s dance theme is New York, New York. Come join us in the Big Apple and experience destination such us Lady Liberty and Central Park. Come and enjoy the true New York cuisine and dance the night away in the city that never sleeps!!!
Personalized KUKUI NUTS is now for sale on campus with limited numbers only, first come first served! Leis can still be ordered online until June 7th @
Brownell Talent Show …is Coming Soon!
Do you know how to dance, sing, or play an instrument? What about skills like gymnastics, karate, tae kwon do or judo? Be a part of the act! Come and share your talents and let them shine on stage!
Audition forms can be picked up from the front office and please submit it to Mrs. Mukai by May 11th.
Thank you --- Mr. Gonzales.
Bear Den will be OPEN during lunches to assist students with their homework. Bring textbooks and other materials that will be needed to complete your work.
CalSOAP tutoring is from Monday through Thursday 2:39 pm - 4:00 pm, Bear Den side. Please bring your textbooks!
All Brownell Students, while on campus, all students must have their ID's on them. Also, please don't forget to sign-in at Student Services office prior to entering the Main Office. Thank you :-)
WOW Word of the Week!
obtain something from (a specified source).
"They derived great comfort from this assurance.”
synonyms: obtain, get, take, gain, acquire, procure, extract, attain, glean
"He obtains consolation from his poetry.”
base a concept on a logical extension or modification of (another concept).
"Eliot derived his poetics from the French Symbolists.”
(of a word) have (a specified word, usually of another language) as a root or origin.
"The word “punch” derives from the Hindustani “pancha.””
synonyms: originate in, stem from, descend from, spring from, be taken from
"“Coffee” derives from the Turkish “kahveh.”"
That is all for now! --Mr. CL