Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Week of June 1, 2015

Two Weeks and Counting.... 

Hello, the year has zoomed by and we find ourselves just a few days away from the end of the 2014-15 school year.  We have seen times of achievement and struggle and joy and sorrow, but over all, the school year has been good for Brownell Middle School.  


A small continent representing Brownell was able to attend the Gold Ribbon Awards Ceremony on Friday.  It was great to be there and be honored as well as enjoy the ceremony with Christopher High School and GECA school representatives as they too were State Gold Ribbon winners.  Christopher High was able to bring their women's choir to sing and entertain the 700 or more California districts and school representatives.   

Here are some important dates for the remaining two weeks of school:

Monday - June 1st:
Tuesday - June 2nd:
Choir at their final concert of the school year!  
It will be held at South Valley Community Church on 
Tuesday, June 2nd from 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday - June 3rd: 
8th Grade Book Return
7:00 pm - Parent Club Meeting-Library

Thursday - June 4th
9:00 am - ELAC
TALENT SHOW - 6:00 PM TO 7:30 PM

Friday - June 5th

Monday -June 8th:
10 am -11 am - 8th grade promotion practice- Amphitheater 
1 pm-2 pm - 8th grade promotion practice -Amphitheater
7th Grade Book Return

Tuesday - June 9th:
8th grade Trip to Santa Cruz Boardwalk!
6th Grade Book Return
10:00 am to 11:00 am -  6th and 7th Grade Awards Ceremony: Teacher awards and Sports awards (Honor Roll, Principal's Award and Perfect Attendance will be sent home after end of year and grade reporting)

Wednesday - June 10th: NO BACKPACKS!!!
Bruin Fest Day!  8:00 AM TO 12:30 
1 pm-2 pm - 8th grade promotion practice -Amphitheater

Thursday - June 11th: NO BACKPACKS!!!
10:00 am to 11:00 am 8th Grade Awards Ceremony:  
Teacher awards and Sports awards (Honor Roll, Principal's Award and Perfect Attendance will be sent home after end of year and grade reporting)

5:00 PM  8th Grade Promotion at Christopher High School --Get there early for parking!  Car Pool if possible!

7:30 PM to 10:00 - 8th Grade Promotion Dance at Brownell MPR  

Friday - June 12th: NO BACKPACKS!!!
Minimum Day out at 12:00 PM  
NO 8th Graders!

The WOW Word of the Week!

(of a substance or object) able to recoil or spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or being compressed.
synonyms:   flexible, pliable, supple
(of a person or animal) able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
"The fish are resilient to most infections"

synonyms:   strong, tough, hardy

That is all for now! ~ Mr. CL

Monday, May 25, 2015

The Week of May 25, 2015

Hello everyone!

Welcome (me) back!

I will be walking straighter and without a limp (most of the time) and should be getting better as time goes on... no reason to stay home, I need to see how my endurance holds out. 

I want to thank everyone who was affected by my leave and had to do more because of it, for chipping in and taking care of business. Of course, that starts with Dave Laboranti, who had to make some tough decisions at times and did exceedingly well.  And Mary Ann Boylan for stepping in and filling in for Dave as Dave filled in for me.  And Kris Shouse, for her stepping in last minute when my sentence, I mean leave, was extended.  Three weeks to go! 

And we come around the final turn!


Conditioning and Fitness... 
what else should it be?

Every department on this campus is strong, resilient and willing to take the necessary risks to see students grow and succeed.  One of our departments has been especially determined to change the status quo and bring our students into the 21st century.  

Our Conditioning and Fitness Team has proven how teamwork and selfless dedication can work wonders.  The C&F team was instrumental in impressing our Gold Ribbon visitation team and we almost applied for a special Gold Ribbon award in Physical Fitness but it was more centered on staff and community programs, so we let that one go.  

We call our PE department the Conditioning and Fitness Department because this is what we need to be in the department to best prepare students.  When most of us went to school it was calisthenics  then "...roll the ball out on the play area and let kids play..." 

But this did little to prepare most of us to be healthy and fit later in life (self-reflection).  I can definitely confirm that I have not played a football or basketball game in nearly three decades.... but I have not lost the need to keep fit.   

We need to prepare our students for this century and the rest of their lives and not just the students who show a particular talent for physical activity, but all of our students.  
The C&F department has also instituted a three-year training software program for every student to chart their skills development and not just their final score.  

And there's more... the department has identified nearly 40 different skills or techniques that students need to succeed in their class and the department has posted videos on Schoolloop of nearly half of them.  

Well... in April, the District was asking for nominations for their Student Health & Wellness Award. Without the C&F department  knowing it, I applied for the award for them...   and they got it!   

This Thursday at the beginning of the Board Meeting our Conditioning and Fitness Team will be receiving their award.  I hope we can all come out and give them our support!  7:00 pm, this Thursday (28th) at 7:00 pm!

Congratulations: Dylan Fullington, Laurie Avey, Mark Orsetti, Robert Samdahl and Brian Collom!  You have earned and deserve the admiration and respect of your peers and your students.   

Important Dates and Events!

By now you probably have heard that the Sectional Meet  will be at Mt Pleasant High School (not Willow Glen) 

We have 11 athletes qualifying!
Congratulations to the following students who were top 5 in their track event for the division finals and now qualify for the sectionals this week.
Alan Apte 2nd place triple jump and 3rd place long jump (A boys)
Kenneth Apte 2nd place shot put and 1st place discus (C boys)
Jadah Daniel 3rd place long jump and 3rd place 100m dash (8th girls)
Kelly Nebesnick 4th place shot put ( 8th girls)
Liliana Jimenez 3rd place high jump (C girls)
Angelina Mager 3rd place 1600m run (7th girls)
Jonathon Rodriguez 5th place 65m hurdles (C boys)
Logan Guerrero 4th place 65m hurdles (A boys)
Kerry Smith 4th place shot put (7th girls)
Claire Shields 5th place 100m dash (8th girls)
Brandon Ortiz 3rd place 100m dash (A boys)

Practice should be as follows:
Tuesday May 26th track practice 2:45- 4:00pm
Wednesday May 27th track practice 2:45- 4:00pm
Thursday May 28th Sectional Meet @ Mt Pleasant High School 2;30 start time.

7:00 pm Board Meeting--
   Brownell Conditioning and Fitness Team Receives the 
   District Student Health & Wellness Award!!!

Gold Ribbon Award in San Francisco
... still hard to believe when you think about how the way the year began....  

WOW Word of the Week!
begin or continue a course of action.
"We can proceed with our investigation.”
synonyms:   begin, make a start, get going, move, set something in motion
antonyms:   stop

move forward, especially after reaching a certain point.
"The ship could proceed to Milwaukee.”
synonyms: go, make one's way, advance, move, progress, carry on, press on, push on
"He proceeded down the road.”

do something as a natural or seemingly inevitable next step.
"Opposite the front door was a staircase, which I proceeded to climb.”


I end with this updated video you might have seen versions of throughout the last view years

That is all for now... great to be back!  

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Week of May 18, 2015

Hello everyone!

Well, I didn’t return last Thursday as I had hoped and I won’t be back until next Tuesday.  The surgeon was not easily fooled by my subpar acting job and he wants me to take some more time…  I do take three short walks a day which I will be increasing time and distance over the next week and one-half and my goal is to be able to sit long enough to get something done, stand long enough to have a conversation and walk fast enough so I can make it out to the Village within a few minutes… and not have to take a nap every day… I do like the naps though…  

When I return, you might see me flinch now and again when I feel a sharp pain or two… this is normal as my operation was to release compression on my nerves, but the damage to my nerves is already done...and it will take some time to heal.   So a bit more time and then I will be back!

Radiating Stripes Stock by

Here are some main items on the calendar for the week!

CJSF will be off to Stanford University on a field trip!
3:00 pm:  PLC meeting day… there have been a number of teachers leaving long before 4:15 on our PLC days… I guess that means you don’t need extra time for anything… hmmmm?

Spring picture make-ups at noon.  
Min. Day school is out at 12:00 pm. and no school on Monday the 25th -- Memorial Day

Radiating Stripes Stock by

WoW Word of the Week!
verb, achieved, achieving.
to bring to a successful end; carry through; accomplish:
“The police crackdown on speeders achieved its purpose.”
to get or attain by effort; gain; obtain:
“We are here to achieve victory.”

Radiating Stripes Stock by

Track Schedule for the Week of May 18th-

Monday- May 18th  - no track practice

Tuesday- May 19th -  Track practice 3:45- 4:30 pm

Wednesday- May 20th - Track practice 3:45- 4:30pm
Thursday- May 21st - Track Division Finals @ CHS
Friday- May 22nd - no track practiceRadiating Stripes Stock by
Thought I’d keep it short, like my walks….
~ Mr. CL

Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Week of May 11, 2015

Here is a funny, heartwarming and if you think about it... 
maybe not so funny video?  :)

After weeks of waiting to hear final word on our California Gold Ribbon School award, Brownell was selected as one of the secondary school winners on Monday, May 4th.  For the next two years because of testing changes,  the State will be awarding the Gold Ribbon Award instead of the Distinguished School Award, as the two have slightly different criteria, but equal prestige. Brownell will also be awarded a Title 1 Academic Achievement Award! Award Ceremonies for our region of the State will be on May 29th in San Francisco. Way to go, Bruins!

Jamba Juice will be on campus this Friday!!! Proceeds of the sales will go towards our 8th Grade Promotion Dance ---Please enjoy a drink or two, and support our Promoting Class of 2015!
CLASSOF 2015.jpg

8th Grade Promotion Dance - Tickets for Sale!
Please buy your Promotion Dance tickets now --- it is nearly just five weeks away --- tickets will be sold during 8th-grade lunch inside BEAR DEN! This year’s dance theme is New York, New York. Come join us in the Big Apple and experience destination such us Lady Liberty and Central Park. Come and enjoy the true New York cuisine and dance the night away in the city that never sleeps!!! 

Personalized KUKUI NUTS is now for sale on campus with limited numbers only, first come first served! Leis can still be ordered online until June 7th @

Brownell Talent Show …is Coming Soon!
Do you know how to dance, sing, or play an instrument? What about skills like gymnastics, karate, tae kwon do or judo? Be a part of the act! Come and share your talents and let them shine on stage!
Audition forms can be picked up from the front office and please submit it to Mrs. Mukai by May 11th.
Thank you --- Mr. Gonzales.

Bear Den will be OPEN during lunches to assist students with their homework. Bring textbooks and other materials that will be needed to complete your work.

CalSOAP tutoring is from Monday through Thursday 2:39 pm - 4:00 pm, Bear Den side. Please bring your textbooks!

All Brownell Students, while on campus, all students must have their ID's on them.   Also, please don't forget to sign-in at Student Services office prior to entering the Main Office. Thank you :-)

WOW Word of the Week!
obtain something from (a specified source).
"They derived great comfort from this assurance.”

synonyms: obtain, get, take, gain, acquire, procure, extract, attain, glean
"He obtains consolation from his poetry.”

base a concept on a logical extension or modification of (another concept).
"Eliot derived his poetics from the French Symbolists.”

(of a word) have (a specified word, usually of another language) as a root or origin.
"The word “punch” derives from the Hindustani “pancha.””

synonyms: originate in, stem from, descend from, spring from, be taken from
"“Coffee” derives from the Turkish “kahveh.”"

That is all for now!  --Mr. CL

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Week of May 4, 2015

Hello all!
Monday, May 4th ….is early noon dismissal day!

8th Grade News
Jamba Juice will be on campus this week, Friday!!! Proceeds of the sales will go towards our 8th Grade Promotion Dance ---Please enjoy a drink or two, and support our Promoting Class of 2015!

8th Grade Promotion Dance - Tickets for Sale!
Promotion Dance tickets will be sold during 8th grade lunch on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
On May, 4th - Monday - ALL 8th GRADERS---PLEASE meet on the South Field side (by room 31) for PANORAMIC Group picture during 1st Period. Please submit order forms to the front office now or before May 15th.
*Memo: We just changed the picture date from 5/1 to 5/4---Thank you!

Please DO NOT FORGET to order your leis online -
LEIS: Single - $25 Double $35
KUKUI Nuts $20 - personalized with our school colors! Kukui nuts will be sold during lunch on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday!!!

8th Grade Promotion Dance - Donations - NEEDED
 Attention: Brownell Families!
 The following items listed below are what the Promoting Class of 2015 still in need:
CASES OF WATER BOTTLES: Small bottles are preferred – if possible.
WHITE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS: Will be happy to return them if you tag them with your name and phone number. We would like about 50-60 strands of these. Any kind is appreciated as long as they are white.
GIFT CARDS: Gift cards in $5 increments for any local shops that your kids love ie: Target, Baskin Robbins, Starbucks, Fro-Yo, Jamba Juice… you get the idea. These will be door prizes at the dance.
TABLECLOTHS: We need 9 Bright RED – Thick Tablecloths
Snacks: Assorted MINI cupcakes, fortune cookies.
EXTRAS – VERY IMPORTANT:  Painters tape, Extension cords, Chinese Lanterns, 3 - 4 WHITE PATIO AWNINGS that we can borrow!
Any further information please email Mrs. Yafai or Mrs. Mukai via schoolloop or call the office @ 408-847-3377--- THANK YOU! 

Bear Den will be OPEN TODAY during lunches to assist students with their homework. Bring textbooks and other materials that will be needed to complete your work.
CalSOAP tutoring right after school until 4:00 pm, please bring homework and projects that needs to be completed!

-What’s happening in SPORTS this Week?-
- Track Schedule for the Week of May 4th-

Monday -  May 4th- no practice
Tuesday -  May 5th practice 2:50- 4:30 pm
Wednesday -  May 6th Team Pictures 3pm North Field 
wear jersey and bring order form
Thursday, - May 7th practice 2:50- 4:30pm North Field 
Friday -  May 8th Track Meet @ CHS 3:30 start time

All JV boys soccer players return your white or maroon jersey to room 21 ASAP!

-If you ordered a sweatshirt for soccer or volleyball - please pick up in room 21-

Brownell Talent Show …is Coming Soon!

Do you know how to dance, sing, or play an instrument? What about skills like gymnastics, karate, tae kwon do or judo? Be a part of the act! Come and share your talents and let them shine on stage!
Audition forms can be picked up from the front office and please submit it to Mrs. Mukai by May 11th. – Thank you ---Mr. Gonzales.

Word of the WEEK

[en-vahy-ruh n-muh nt, -vahy-ern-] 
the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu.
Ecology. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors surrounding and affecting a given organism at any time.
the social and cultural forces that shape the life of a person or a population.
Computers. the hardware or software configuration, or the mode of operation, of a computer system:
In a time-sharing environment, transactions are processed as they occur.
an indoor or outdoor setting that is characterized by the presence of environmental art that is itself designed to be site-specific.

That is all for now!   Mr. CL