Hello Everyone!
Word Of the Week!
Our special speaker last week, Scott Backovich was very well received by the students and his message of personal strength and self esteem and its importance in the face of adversity was a good follow up to Fabian Ramirez's presentation two weeks ago.
We will be following these speakers with the beginning of our Friday twice monthly 30 min. class meetings. We will carve out time from the regular schedule to discuss issues that can come up in middle schools following the prescribed lessons and format of the Olweus Bully Protection Program .
In this video, children discuss their experiences with bullying and how it makes them feel. Teachers discuss how bullying disrupts learning and how the Olweus Program has helped prevent bullying.
Overview of Program Need and Strengths...
Get Wimpy!
Jeff Kinney's newest book is scheduled to go on sale Nov. 4th.
You can reserve your copy of Wimpy KID Book 9 - The Long Haul...TODAY –AND- help out our upcoming Book Fair at the same time! We've made it easy, the Pre-Sale reservation form for the Wimpy KID book #9, were sent home. Please complete the order form and return it with your payment, cash or check only, sorry NO CREDIT CARDS
No Kona Ice this Monday 10/6, they will be back next Monday on the 13th!
Good day and good week everyone!
No Matter How You Feel On Monday