Sunday, October 19, 2014

Week of October 20, 2014

Welcome to a new Bruin Week!
BIG announcement BIG announcement!!!

After much thought and input from teachers, students and families...

As of Monday, October 20, 2014 at 8:35 am, we will no longer be requiring students to wear their ID’s attached to their Lanyards.  I specifically word it this way so we do not mistake the intent of the change.   ID’s are mandatory, but how a person keeps them on their person or within reach, is not…  Whether pocket, backpack, wallet, or glued to their head (no forget that one) or even continued use of that thing that can hang the ID from the student’s neck, ID’s are still mandatory and students must keep them in the protective sleeve or the reward stickers will peel off….    In other words, we have “Modified” (W.O.W.) the program, just no more stringy thing or sending students to the office.

How do we make sure that students are bringing their ID’s?  The School's Leadership Team the "Steering Committee" will continue to work on this as we move forward and see how it goes.  But, when it is time for stickers to be rewarded –no ID, no sticker!   If we do institute a check and consequence process in the future—it will be teacher, office, and parent friendly. 

The passport events have been an overall success for many years and makes up our main extrinsic rewards program.  We didn't want to lose the sticker method or lose having the ID-in-possession so that we can identify students in a time of crisis.   Hence, forget the necklace and hold on to the diamond.  We will have a quick ceremony at the beginning of class on Monday so everyone is to be wearing their lanyard until then…  After the “ceremony”, we will collect the lanyards and have them brought to the office.  --Thank you for your input and consideration as we change yet keep our special Bruin touch! 

W.O.W.  Word of the Week

  1. make partial or minor changes to (something), typically so as to improve it or to make it less extreme.
    "she may be prepared to modify her views"
      transform (a structure) from its original anatomical form during development or evolution.
      (especially of an adjective) restrict or add to the sense of (a noun).
      "the target noun is modified by a “direction” word"

    Or....  "The Lanyard policy at Brownell has been Modified!"

Some big events coming up!

10/21  Tuesday is the picture make up day for students and staff during lunch!
10/22  Wednesday morning, Dr. Flores will be here to visit classrooms.  
10/23  Thursday  Spooky Concert in the evening 7:30 pm in the MPR!  Boo!
10/24  Friday  Halloween Dance Starting at 5:00 to 8:00 pm –we’re always looking for volunteers! Boo!

We will have a Professional Development Day for the Middle Schools on October 31st.  Brownell will be hosting. 8:00 to 3:30 pm…NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS!

Parent-Teacher Conferences November 4th, 5th, and 6th ---from 2-5 pm in the MPR… Early Release days Tuesday through Thursday…

Brownell Yearbooks are now on sale!

Yearbooks are $45 for full color, hard backed yearbooks.  Order forms can be picked up in the front office and in Room 10 (Ms Kalman).  Our school is out of this world and you'll be able to enjoy the memories forever of this magnificent 2014-2015 year.   Individualized yearbook packages are available to order through January 16th, 2015
Sign up for eScrip and help our Parent Club raise funds for our students!
click picture below


That is all for now!
Greg CL