Sunday, October 12, 2014

Week of October 13, 2014


~In response to using real world examples in Common Core

"The "real world" isn't a guarantee of student engagement. Place your bet, instead, 

on cultivating a student's capacity to puzzle and un-puzzle herself. Whether she ends 

up a poet or a software engineer (and who knows, really) she'll be well-served by that

capacity as an adult and engaged in its pursuit as a child."

                                                                                                                                                                                               ~Dan Meyer, Stanford

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WOW Word of the Week!
  1. identify clearly and definitely.
    "the coup leader promised an election but did not specify a date"
    synonyms:statenameidentifydefinedescribe, set out, frameitemizedetaillist,spell out, enumerateparticularizeciteinstanceMore
    • state a fact or requirement clearly and precisely.
      "the agency failed to specify that the workers were not their employees"
    • include in an architect's or engineer's specifications.
      "naval architects specified circular portholes

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Some Common Core thought in Language Arts

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Common Core Math Presentation in Spanish 

This Wednesday, October 15th we will have a Math Common Core presentation in Spanish.  We will meet in the Learning Center (Library) at 6:00 pm.   The Evenings information will be presented by our Department Chair, Patricia Rogers who also delivers Common Core presentations through the Silicon Valley Math Initiative as a school and family presenter across the nation.     

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 Get Wimpy!

Jeff Kinney's newest book is scheduled to go on sale Nov. 4th.
You can reserve your copy of Wimpy KID Book 9 - The Long Haul...TODAY –AND- help out our upcoming Book Fair at the same time! We've made it easy, the Pre-Sale reservation form for the Wimpy KID book #9, were sent home. Please complete the order form and return it with your payment, cash or check only, sorry NO CREDIT CARDS

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This Monday and every Monday we have school!
After school by the gym!

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Parent Club
The Parent Club is looking for parents to join the team so that they can continue to support our students and teachers.  If you are interested, come to the Parent Club's next meeting on Wednesday ---November 5th at 7:00 pm in the Learning Center!

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NOTE:  Superintendent Dr. Flores will be visiting our campus this Friday and will be accompanying me as we visit all of our classrooms enjoying Common Core Practices

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That is all for now!  Greg CL