Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week of October 27, 2014

Another week in Bruinville!
W.O.W. Word of the Week


  1. 1.
    the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.
    "every shade of color is fixed by tradition and governed by religious laws"
    synonyms:historical convention, unwritten law, mores


Since the school week ends on Halloween, I thought I’d present to you something gruesome, icky and creepy…  

Here is a “TED Talk” that I think fits the bill….  frightens most and gets you thinking....

Okay, stop thinking… it will only drive you nuts… the parasite….


Teachers will be in Professional Development this Friday so no school!  Sorry parents, I know that was probably the scarious thing you’ve heard lately…    

Hey BRUINS!!! CJSF is proudly sponsoring this year's RED RIBBON WEEK to encourage you to say NO TO DRUGS!
Monday will be 'SHADE OUT DRUGS"  
and we will all wear SUNGLASSES to mark the day.
Tuesday will be 'SOCK IT TO DRUGS' day.....
wear your CRAZIEST SOCKS to show your support.
Wednesday will be PUT A CAP ON DRUGS…
you can wear a hat or a cap....
make sure your cap or hat is not related to something we cannot do here on campus....and no Marley hats either.
Thursday is LIVE YOUR DREAMS DAY....dress as your favorite Disney character OR SuperHero.....AND it is Breast Cancer Awareness Day---so extra points will be given for incorporating PINK in your costume. Remember no masks or face creative!
Prizes will be determined by FIRST PERIOD CLASS.  Be sure to have your teacher count participants every morning with announcements.  A special shout-out to our teachers for helping us out with this!
The CJSF students and Mrs. Rogers

Parent Club Meeting
November 5th at 7:00pm
in the Library


Parent-Teacher Conferences November 4th - 6th
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
In the Multipurpose Room!


November 10th and 11th
No School
Holiday and Veterans Day!


Passport event stickers needed for Passport event on Wednesday
Jr. 49'er Training Camp!
Total of 4 by 1st period on Tuesday!!!!!

Have a Great Week!
Mr. CL

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Week of October 20, 2014

Welcome to a new Bruin Week!
BIG announcement BIG announcement!!!

After much thought and input from teachers, students and families...

As of Monday, October 20, 2014 at 8:35 am, we will no longer be requiring students to wear their ID’s attached to their Lanyards.  I specifically word it this way so we do not mistake the intent of the change.   ID’s are mandatory, but how a person keeps them on their person or within reach, is not…  Whether pocket, backpack, wallet, or glued to their head (no forget that one) or even continued use of that thing that can hang the ID from the student’s neck, ID’s are still mandatory and students must keep them in the protective sleeve or the reward stickers will peel off….    In other words, we have “Modified” (W.O.W.) the program, just no more stringy thing or sending students to the office.

How do we make sure that students are bringing their ID’s?  The School's Leadership Team the "Steering Committee" will continue to work on this as we move forward and see how it goes.  But, when it is time for stickers to be rewarded –no ID, no sticker!   If we do institute a check and consequence process in the future—it will be teacher, office, and parent friendly. 

The passport events have been an overall success for many years and makes up our main extrinsic rewards program.  We didn't want to lose the sticker method or lose having the ID-in-possession so that we can identify students in a time of crisis.   Hence, forget the necklace and hold on to the diamond.  We will have a quick ceremony at the beginning of class on Monday so everyone is to be wearing their lanyard until then…  After the “ceremony”, we will collect the lanyards and have them brought to the office.  --Thank you for your input and consideration as we change yet keep our special Bruin touch! 

W.O.W.  Word of the Week

  1. make partial or minor changes to (something), typically so as to improve it or to make it less extreme.
    "she may be prepared to modify her views"
      transform (a structure) from its original anatomical form during development or evolution.
      (especially of an adjective) restrict or add to the sense of (a noun).
      "the target noun is modified by a “direction” word"

    Or....  "The Lanyard policy at Brownell has been Modified!"

Some big events coming up!

10/21  Tuesday is the picture make up day for students and staff during lunch!
10/22  Wednesday morning, Dr. Flores will be here to visit classrooms.  
10/23  Thursday  Spooky Concert in the evening 7:30 pm in the MPR!  Boo!
10/24  Friday  Halloween Dance Starting at 5:00 to 8:00 pm –we’re always looking for volunteers! Boo!

We will have a Professional Development Day for the Middle Schools on October 31st.  Brownell will be hosting. 8:00 to 3:30 pm…NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS!

Parent-Teacher Conferences November 4th, 5th, and 6th ---from 2-5 pm in the MPR… Early Release days Tuesday through Thursday…

Brownell Yearbooks are now on sale!

Yearbooks are $45 for full color, hard backed yearbooks.  Order forms can be picked up in the front office and in Room 10 (Ms Kalman).  Our school is out of this world and you'll be able to enjoy the memories forever of this magnificent 2014-2015 year.   Individualized yearbook packages are available to order through January 16th, 2015
Sign up for eScrip and help our Parent Club raise funds for our students!
click picture below


That is all for now!
Greg CL 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Week of October 13, 2014


~In response to using real world examples in Common Core

"The "real world" isn't a guarantee of student engagement. Place your bet, instead, 

on cultivating a student's capacity to puzzle and un-puzzle herself. Whether she ends 

up a poet or a software engineer (and who knows, really) she'll be well-served by that

capacity as an adult and engaged in its pursuit as a child."

                                                                                                                                                                                               ~Dan Meyer, Stanford

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WOW Word of the Week!
  1. identify clearly and definitely.
    "the coup leader promised an election but did not specify a date"
    synonyms:statenameidentifydefinedescribe, set out, frameitemizedetaillist,spell out, enumerateparticularizeciteinstanceMore
    • state a fact or requirement clearly and precisely.
      "the agency failed to specify that the workers were not their employees"
    • include in an architect's or engineer's specifications.
      "naval architects specified circular portholes

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Some Common Core thought in Language Arts

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Common Core Math Presentation in Spanish 

This Wednesday, October 15th we will have a Math Common Core presentation in Spanish.  We will meet in the Learning Center (Library) at 6:00 pm.   The Evenings information will be presented by our Department Chair, Patricia Rogers who also delivers Common Core presentations through the Silicon Valley Math Initiative as a school and family presenter across the nation.     

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 Get Wimpy!

Jeff Kinney's newest book is scheduled to go on sale Nov. 4th.
You can reserve your copy of Wimpy KID Book 9 - The Long Haul...TODAY –AND- help out our upcoming Book Fair at the same time! We've made it easy, the Pre-Sale reservation form for the Wimpy KID book #9, were sent home. Please complete the order form and return it with your payment, cash or check only, sorry NO CREDIT CARDS

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This Monday and every Monday we have school!
After school by the gym!

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Parent Club
The Parent Club is looking for parents to join the team so that they can continue to support our students and teachers.  If you are interested, come to the Parent Club's next meeting on Wednesday ---November 5th at 7:00 pm in the Learning Center!

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NOTE:  Superintendent Dr. Flores will be visiting our campus this Friday and will be accompanying me as we visit all of our classrooms enjoying Common Core Practices

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That is all for now!  Greg CL 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Week of October 6, 2014

Hello Everyone!
Word Of the Week!
  1. 1.
    show or prove to be right or reasonable.
    "the person appointed has fully justified our confidence"
    synonyms:give grounds for, give reasons for, give a justification for, explain, give an explanation for, account for;  
    defend, answer for, vindicate

  2.  *******************************************

We will have a minimum day on Monday with all classes out at 12:00 pm.  Teachers from all three middle schools will be gathering at Brownell for continued work on Common Core math curriculum and training on student writing.

We will have 8th grade girl basketball tryouts after school on Monday--12:00 noon.  6th and 7th grade tryouts are on Tuesday at 3:00 pm.   And yes, in the gym...

Our special speaker last week, Scott Backovich was very well received by the students and his message of personal strength and self esteem and its importance in the face of adversity was a good follow up to Fabian Ramirez's presentation two weeks ago.

We will be following these speakers with the beginning of our Friday twice monthly 30 min. class meetings.  We will carve out time from the regular schedule to discuss issues that can come up in middle schools following the prescribed lessons and format of  the Olweus Bully Protection Program .  

In this video, children discuss their experiences with bullying and how it makes them feel. Teachers discuss how bullying disrupts learning and how the Olweus Program has helped prevent bullying. 

Overview of Program Need and Strengths...


 Get Wimpy!

Jeff Kinney's newest book is scheduled to go on sale Nov. 4th.
You can reserve your copy of Wimpy KID Book 9 - The Long Haul...TODAY –AND- help out our upcoming Book Fair at the same time! We've made it easy, the Pre-Sale reservation form for the Wimpy KID book #9, were sent home. Please complete the order form and return it with your payment, cash or check only, sorry NO CREDIT CARDS


No Kona Ice this Monday 10/6, they will be back next Monday on the 13th!


Good day and good week everyone!
No Matter How You Feel On Monday 