Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Week of March 23, 2015

Hello Everyone!

  • Well, our Gold Ribbon Validation Team representing the California Department of Education has come and gone... and we have been validated!  This means we are well on our way to a Gold Ribbon Schools designation.
  • The team came through our school, visited classrooms, and showed particular interest in our Bear Den, Garden, Common Core Teaching, and our P.E. department's Conditioning and Fitness applications.  They like all we had to offer and said we will be highly recommended to receive the Gold Ribbon Award!

  • I want to publicly thank the following Parents who participated on the Parent Panel as well as the students who participated on the Student Panel!

  • Parent Panel
  • Mr. Michael Joe
  • Mrs. Kristin Mullen
  • Ms. Louise Shields
  • Mrs. Nhung Nguyen
  • Mrs. Nereida Barron Torres
  • Mrs. Maricela Tomasetti
  • Mr. Mel Mukai
  • Mrs. Mary Ann Mukai

  • Student Panel
  • Lucas Bundros – 8th Grade
  • Dominic Fortino – 8th Grade
  • Lauren DeRosa – 7TH Grade
  • Mia Ruelas – 7th Grade
  • Benjamin Anderson – 6TH Grade
  • Jacob Roseberry – 6th Grade

  • The next step in the process will take from two to four weeks, so somewhere mid April we will know our fate.  Thank you all for being Brownell Bruins!


WoW Word of the Week!


adjective sim·i·lar \ˈsi-mə-lər, ˈsim-lər\
: almost the same as someone or something else
:  having characteristics in common :  strictly comparable
:  alike in substance or essentials :  corresponding <no two animal habitats are exactly similar — W. H. Dowdeswell>
:  not differing in shape but only in size or position <similar triangles> <similarpolygons>
— sim·i·lar·ly adverb

Examples of SIMILAR
  • Our cats are similar in size.
  • You two look very similar to each other.
  • They had similar experiences growing up, even though they came from vastly different backgrounds.
  • We got remarkably similar results.
  • I was going to say something similar.
  • I would have reacted in a similar way if it had happened to me.


Scholastic Book Fair  - March 23rd - 27th - Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 3:30 pm in the LIBRARY! Please support our Brownell Library.
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8th Grade Promotion Dance - Tickets for Sale!
Promotion Dance tickets will be sold during 8th grade lunch on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
ATTENTION 8th Grade Parents: On April 2nd - Thursday @ 7PM - in the LIBRARY - You are invited to attend our second meeting to plan the upcoming PROMOTION DANCE!!! Your support is very important to us.

That is all for now!  Stay tuned!  Mr. CL