Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Week of Gold Ribbon!

Welcome back!

This Thursday we will be visited by a team from the County Office of Education and the State Department of Education.  There task? See the evidence of what we stated to be our school program and achievements.  If we can do it, and we can... we have a good shot at becoming designated as a California Gold Ribbon School!  Keep your fingers crossed!

A Big Congratulations to everyone involved in the School Play, "Trouble in Los Rios"!  I thoroughly enjoyed the play and the great energy that the actors gave to the audiance!  And a big thank you to the parents who helped put it together as well.  Thank you to our great Directors, Nicole Ashby and Marisa Visnaw! The playwright, Linda DeMare,  Mr. B. Allen Douglas the Pianist and everyone else!  Great work!

Word of the Week!
[in-duh-vij-oo-uh l]
a single human being, as distinguished from a group.
a person:
A strange individual.
a distinct, indivisible entity; a single thing, being, instance, or item.
a group considered as a unit.
a single organism capable of independent existence.
a member of a compound organism or colony.
Cards. a duplicate-bridge tournament in which each player plays the same number of hands in partnership with every other player, individual scores for each player being kept for each hand.

single; particular; separate:
to number individual copies of a limited edition.
intended for the use of one person only:
We will serve individual portions of a pizza.
of, relating to, or characteristic of a particular person or thing:
We have individual tastes.
distinguished by special, singular, or markedly personal characteristics; exhibiting unique or unusual qualities:
A highly individual style of painting.
existing as a distinct, indivisible entity, or considered as such; discrete:
We have individual parts of a tea set.
of which each is different or of a different design from the others:
A set of individual coffee cups.

Monday March 16th is a minimum day!

That's all for now!  Mr. CL