February 11th
Science Fair!
6th grade will be setting up in the gym with their poster boards during the day and the actual fair will be from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
7/8th will be setting up in the MPR during the day.
Science teachers: Judging will take place from 3 pm-4:30 pm behind closed doors. 6th grade teachers will judge 7th grade work , 7th grade teachers will judge 8th grade work and 8th grade teachers will judge 6th grade work. Each teacher should pull their top 10% for judges to rate.
Ms Thompson's classes will be in Lab 33 for Prezi presentations
Mr. Romiti's classes will be utilizing Chromebook presentations
in his classroom, Rm 19
in his classroom, Rm 19
Ms Lake has done a great job gathering together many presentations from local organizations that work with science on a daily basis for our parents and students to visit:
In the Learning Center or at the front entrance...
1) Veterinarian: Dr. Harrigan
2) Recology: Julie Alter
3) Santa Clara Water District: Ardy Ghoreishi
4) Fire Prevention Specialist: Pam Temmermand
5) Santa Clara County Parks Department
6) Gilroy Fire Department
Class of 2015 Promotion
8th Grade Promotion Dance Fundraiser!
8th Grade Promotion Dance Fundraiser!
*Volunteers and Baked Goods Needed*
Funds raised will support the Brownell 8th grade promotion dance
Fundraiser will be held during the Science Fair
Date: Wednesday - Feb. 11, 2015
Time: 5:00pm- 6:30pm
In the Multi Purpose Room & Library
**Please make sure baked goods DO NOT INCLUDE: NUTS, STRAWBERRY AND PINEAPPLE**
*If you are not available to volunteer, but are interested in supporting the 8th grade class of 2015, please contact us @ kristinmlln@yahoo.com.
*Baked goods can be dropped off at the library
All support is welcome!
Monday Word of the Week!
a commissioned
military officer ranking next below a lieutenant colonel and next above a
one of
superior rank, ability, etc., in a specified class.
In Education.
a subject or
field of study chosen by a student to represent his or her principal interest
and upon which a large share of his or her efforts are concentrated:
History was my
major at college.
a student
engaged in such study.
Music. a major
interval, chord, scale, etc.
the majors.
Sports. the
major leagues:
He coached in
the majors as well as in the minors.
the companies
or organizations that lead or control a particular field of activity:
the oil
greater in
size, extent, or importance:
the major part
of the town.
great, as in
rank or importance:
a major
political issue; a major artist.
serious or
a major
of or relating
to the majority:
the major
of full legal
age as in "not a minor"
In Music.
(of an
interval) being between the tonic and the second, third, sixth, or seventh
degrees of a major scale:
a major third;
a major sixth.
(of a chord)
having a major third between the root and the note next above it.
pertaining to
the subject in which a student takes the most courses:
Her major
field is English history.
“And yes,
the majority opinion and that of Major General Margery Major who (after
discharge went back to school to major in mining so she could be--not a minor
miner, but a major miner) believes that major is a major word that is used throughout
the majority of the English speaking world and not marginally either…”
Now let's talk Math... and think about allowing ourselves to work and learn in a 21st Century environment with a growth mind set and utilizing computers for what they can do for us,and our students... In other words, Calculating with a computer as a tool and not calculating and memorization as an end in itself...
The Common Core Standards and 21st Century skills nurtures a Growth Mind Set.
Here is a chart differentiating the "Fixed" and "Growth" Mindsets

Failure is not only an option, it is an integral part of the process!
Mr. CL