Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Week of February 23, 2015

Back to School...

Monday we will have a minimum day and your student(s) will be released at 12:00 pm.   The teachers will be having a staff development day and will be planning out the rest of the school year as it pertains to common assessments and analyzing data from the assessments, adjusting curriculum and reteaching those areas that need support.   Though on the surface this may seem simple enough, it can take a long time in planning, instituting, evaluating and reflecting and planning again and again or as it can be called, the continuous teaching and learning cycle.

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The middle schools have set aside five early release days for this and other purposes and during three of the five, all three middle schools work together on common core curriculum and teaching standards. 


Passport Events!

We haven't had a passport event in a while but we will be having a couple over the next couple of months. We haven't set the sticker entrance numbers yet but we will have that for the students in the next week or so...  coming up...
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Date TBD:      The Game Truck! 

Science of the Super Hero!
Date specific:  March 31st 

WoW Word of the Week!

[v. uh-fekt; n. af-ekt]

verb (used with object)
to act on; produce an effect or change in:
“Cold weather affected the crops.”
to impress the mind or move the feelings of:
“The music affected him deeply.”

Psychology. feeling or emotion.
Psychiatry. an expressed or observed emotional response:

“His response to the murder was a flat, blunted affect.”


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Chevy's Fundraiser - 8th Grade Promotion Dance
Wednesday - February 25, 2015 - 1:00 - 9:00 pm
Please present flyers for our school to get credit. Invite your friends, families and neighbors...and have a great time! Mark your calendar. Thank you for supporting  our Promoting Class of 2015!!!


That's all for now!  --Mr. CL