Good Day and Good Week!
A lot is happening
this week for our students.
8th Grade News!
8th graders
will be see a presentation called “Making College Happen!”, which is given by The California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP)
which is also the agency that provides the counselor/tutors for our after
school program. This will take place in student English Language Arts
Classes on Tuesday January
27th and Thursday the 29th.
On January 28th in
the 8th graders Science classes our Counselors will be passing
out High School Registration packets and letting the students know about next
On February 3rd,
Both Christopher and Gilroy High Schools will be on the Brownell Campus in Room
25 (Computer Room) to enroll our 8th graders into their high school
courses. We will have students meet with the high school counselors
during their Math classes.
***8th grade students who received D's or F's first Semester will be contacted
over the next two weeks by our counselors for a family meeting to discuss what
this means for promotion and options to turn it around in time
for the end of the school year.***
Olweus bully Prevention Class Meetings
Friday we will be having our next Olweus Bully Prevention Class Meetings with
the continuation of our discussions on Hot Spots on campus that are more prone
to have bullying occur. Last time we talked about the locker room and
this week:
By the
end of this session, students will be able to:
· identify
the types of inappropriate behavior at lunch time.
· identify
the motivations and social dynamics that come into play
· describe
strategies to prevent and deal with inappropriate behavior at lunch
We will be having Olweus classes approximately a couple times
per month.
Theater Arts 2015!
We are very excited to announce auditions for the
2015 Brownell Theater Arts Production.
Auditions will be held Friday, January 30th, immediately following school and Saturday, January 31st at 10:00 in the Multi-Purpose Room (a change to the Library). Bring your smile and a short song to audition for a part in this year's Musical Production.
It's Dance Time!!!
Brownell Black Light Dance
this coming Friday the 30th
from 6:00 to 8:00 pm
In the Multi Purpose Room. Wear your fun fun glow in the dark
That's all for now! ~ Mr. CL