Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Week of January 12, 2015

Welcome to the Week of January 12th!
The next three information bits may suspiciously look like a repeat from last week (it is!)  But it bears repeating!

Gilroy High School and Christopher High School will be having Information Nights Monday February 2, 2015.   You should be hearing from them soon.  But there is more!
Brownell activities include:
  • ·        The "College: Making It Happen" in-class presentations which will occur in ELA classes on 1/27/15 and 1/29/15
  • ·        The distribution of high school registration materials which will occur in Science classes on1/28/15
  • ·        And…after the high school information nights on the 2nd
  • ·       The actual high school registration day with HS Academic Coordinators which will take place with Math classes in Room #25/computer lab, on 2/4/15!  

Honor Roll Breakfasts for 1st Semester!
We will be having our annual Honor Roll Breakfasts on: 
  • January 20th—6th grade, 
  • 21st—7th grade and... 
  • 22nd –8th grade.  

The event(s) will be from 7:30 to 8:30 am.  We will be giving out Principal Awards (4.0 GPA), Honor Roll (3.0 GPA) and awards for Perfect Attendance.   Teachers will be working on grades on January 5th and Report Cards will be sent out by the following week.  All families of awarded students will be notified!

“How’s my driving?”
Before the winter break we placed customer service comment cards on our front desk in the Main office along with a nice box to put them in.  These are the same cards that are used by all other schools in the district.   We invite you to fill one out whether you have a complaint, concern or praise on how we are doing in the customer service department.   We know we have work to do and we are making customer service a priority.   Please fill one out the next time you visit the campus.   All cards are sent to the District office for their information.  –Thank you

W.o.W. Word of the Week!
To evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.
"The committee must assess the relative importance of the issues"
synonyms:      evaluate, judge, gauge, rate, estimate, appraise, consider, get the measure of, determine, analyze

To calculate or estimate the price or value of.
"The damage was assessed at $5 billion"
synonyms:      value, calculate, work out, determine, fix, cost, price, estimate

To set the value of a tax, fine, etc., for (a person or property) at a specified level.
"All empty properties will be assessed at 50 percent

That's all for now!
Mr. CL