Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
School Starts on Tuesday the 18th at 8:30 am!
(but you already knew that!)
School Starts on Tuesday the 18th at 8:30 am!
(but you already knew that!)
This and that...
If you have a concern about your student's schedule make sure you fill out one of our counseling forms in the office so we can address them as they come in. We are never quite sure what our final population will be and sometimes we need to rearrange a class or two. This can take up to a week or more depending on how involved it becomes.
This Friday, 21st is Picture Day!!! All students will have their picture taken during PE!
Make sure you have filled out the lunch form for the Federal Free and Reduced Meals program. If you qualify, not only does your student realize a healthy lunch, but the number of qualifying students also helps the school and the district receive more funds that can be used for your child's education. Your student will bring home an application on Tuesday along with a lot of other important materials and if it doesn't arrive home, come by the office and we will get you an application to fill out.
We will know in a couple of weeks how many students we have this year, but we do expect to go from the 905 last year down to about 850 this year. It is always a guessing game as many arrive new to the district, families move to other places in town or move out of the District all together and we find out after school starts when the new school request their student records. Makes for an interesting guessing game sometimes!
We will have copies of schedules ready for you if you have forgotten your schedule at home. 6th will be given out between the Gym and the Kitchen. 7th will collect theirs in the quad area by Rooms 1-4. 8th Grade will be able to pick theirs up by Room 25.
Word of the Week will start next week!
The first order of business will be going through the Student/Parent Handbook. We go through it with the students and we ask that you go through it with them as well and sign the paper that states you did. Having students and Parents know what is in the Handbook will save parents and students a lot of grief and time down the road.
The Following will be distributed to the students during 1st Period on Tuesday
- Welcome Letter
- Avid Binder Comparison - Donation Letter
- Student Emergency Card*
- Food Service Lunch Application*
- Student Parent Handbook
- Handbook Information Letter from Principal
- AUP Contract in English and Spanish*
- Picture Taking Order Forms--(bring to PE on Friday!)
It is very important that you remind students to return the documents with asterisk (*) next to it by Monday, August 24th.
That is all for now! ~ Mr. CL