Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Week of June 8, 2015

Is it true?  
Is this the last week 
   of school?   
I think so!
Monday -June 8th:
10 am -11 am - 8th grade promotion practice- Amphitheater 
1 pm-2 pm - 8th grade promotion practice -Amphitheater
7th Grade Book Return

Tuesday - June 9th:
8th grade Trip to Santa Cruz Boardwalk!
6th Grade Book Return
10:00 am to 11:00 am -  6th and 7th Grade Awards Ceremony: Teacher awards and Sports awards (Honor Roll, Principal's Award and Perfect Attendance will be sent home after end of year and grade reporting)

Wednesday - June 10th: NO BACKPACKS!!!
Bruin Fest Day!  8:00 AM TO 12:30 
1 pm-2 pm - 8th grade promotion practice -Amphitheater

Thursday - June 11th: NO BACKPACKS!!!
10:00 am to 11:00 am 8th Grade Awards Ceremony:  
Teacher awards and Sports awards (Honor Roll, Principal's Award and Perfect Attendance will be sent home after end of year and grade reporting)

5:00 PM  8th Grade Promotion at Christopher High School --Get there early for parking!  Car Pool if possible!

7:30 PM to 10:00 - 8th Grade Promotion Dance at Brownell MPR  

Friday - June 12th: NO BACKPACKS!!!
Minimum Day out at 12:00 PM  
NO 8th Graders!

The WOW Word of the Week!

1.     To continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success.

"His family persevered with his treatment"

persistcontinue, carry on, go on, keep on, keep going, struggle on, hammer away, be persistent, be determined, see it through, follow it through, keep at it, press on, press ahead, do not take no for an answer, be tenacious, stand your ground, stand fast, stand firm, hold on, go the distance, stay the course, plod on, stop at nothing, leave no stone unturned;

And in the immortal words of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill during WWII when all seemed its bleakest, 

    “…never give in, never give in, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in…”

I am proud to have been the Principal of Brownell Middle School for the last 7 years and look forward to more!
This may be the last Blog for the 2015-16 School year, but there will be occasional blogs through the summer, so stay tuned! 
And have a Great Summer!

That is all for now! ~ Mr. CL