The weather has
changed and brought us much needed rain...
This week we are probably
going to have the biggest storm yet--Thursday into Friday. And yes, we should
be thankful…
What we also know is
that we haven't exactly had any real cold weather as yet, one morning- a hint
of frost…
There are also Day
Lilies ready to bloom on campus and we have a pumpkin plant growing in the quad
in front of Rooms 1-4 with a blossom.
And it is December...
and we are in what part of the hemisphere?
I’m just saying…..
Parent Club Meeting this Wednesday
at 7:00 pm
in the Library!
Five Resources to Help Parents Understand the
Common Core
1. Learning to Read the Core
with Sarah Brown Wessling:
Even though this webinar is for
teachers, many parents have found it straightforward and accessible.
2. PTA: Parent’s Guide to
Student Success (available in
Spanish too): Theseconcise documents will give an overview of Common Core
throughout the grades in parent-friendly terms.
3. Parent Road Maps to the Common
Core from Council of the Great City Schools: With more detail than the PTA guides, these maps — ELA and Math —
hone in on some standards and offer ways to connect with them at home too.
4. Frequently Asked Questions
on the Common Core: From the
writers of Common Core, this page addresses questions they
often field.
5. CCSS Changes and their
Impact on Teaching: Read and listen as I
address some of your questions about the Core’s impact on the classroom.
W.o.W. Word of the Week!
Examine methodically and
in detail the constitution or structure of (something, especially information),
typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation.
"we need to analyze
our results more clearly"
synonyms: examine, inspect, survey, study, scrutinize,
look over;
· discover or reveal (something) through detailed
"I intend to
analyze the sexism in such texts"
· psychoanalyze (someone)
That's All For Now!
Mr. CL