Thursday, July 31, 2014

July 30, 2014

Only 19 days till school!  
Brownell Anti-Bullying Campaign:
We will be having a series of special motivational speakers this school year to help with our Anti-Bullying Campaign.   Once we have solidified the speakers and dates we will let everyone know.  Our hope is to have a minimum of three as it is important to have different perspectives on issues of bullying as there are as many different personal stories as there are victims of bullying and bullies themselves.  
We are also implementing the “Olweus® Bullying Prevention Program” at our school which has different components and one of the components is a Class Meetings That Matter piece that gives time for a short presentation by the teacher, every other week or so, on subjects such as Building a Positive Classroom Climate or Respecting Differences and Promoting Acceptance as well as time for students to talk about different issues they and their friends are struggling with.  

A reminder…
August 12th 
7th Grade
Show up between 9:00 to 12:00pm or 1:00 to 3:00pm.
Learning Center--Library
All 7th grade students can come in and pick up their schedule and their text books.  If you have a book that is overdue from the library or a text book you found buried under your bed this summer, bring them in!  If you do not have the books and all owed monies turned in before August 12th you will not receive your new books or your schedule until school begins.  But we will work with you!

August 13th   
6th grade Orientation Night 6:00 pm starting in the Gym.   We will have your student’s schedule as well as other information and a treat or two for you while you visit our 6th Grade Village and meet some of our 6th grade teachers.  PE clothing will also be available.  Donation prices will be announced later this summer.  Textbooks will be handed out the first day of school as well as the “Famous Binder!”  Lanyards and ID will be obtained on Picture day, September 3rd.   

August 14th
8th Grade
Show up between 9:00 to 12:00pm or 1:00 to 3:00pm.
Learning Center--Library
All 8th grade students can come in and pick up their schedule and their text books.  If you have a book that is overdue from the library or a text book you found buried under your bed this summer, bring them in!  If you do not have the books and all owed monies turned in before August 14th you will not receive your new books or your schedule until school begins… AND if there are any monies owed by the end of the school year, you will not be able to participate in any of the promotion events.  But we will work with you!

August 19th
First Day of School!   If you have your schedule already, you are good to go!  If you weren't able to go to Brownell on the assigned days of your grade level and name or you can’t remember where you placed it… we’ll have a table for you to go to  on the first day of school to pick up a new schedule. Tables will be placed:  6th grade go to the 6th grade Village, 7th grade in 7th Quad area, 8th grade next to Rm 25.
See you soon! 
Greg Camacho-Light
Brownell Middle School

Planting the Mighty Orchard!