Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Week of December 15, 2014

Last week of school for 2014!   
Last week of the first semester! 
just a reminder...

Last week there was a mix up with the W.O.W. word of the week and I posted the wrong word, it should have been "significant".... So this week's word is "Contrite"... no I'm kidding!  
The word of the week is the one I posted last week! Which is:


Examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, especially information), typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation.
"we need to analyze our results more clearly"

synonyms:   examine, inspect, survey, study, scrutinize, look over;
·       discover or reveal (something) through detailed examination.
"I intend to analyze the sexism in such texts"
·       psychoanalyze (someone)

Brownell Middle School
Boys Basketball

Coaches to determine practice schedule
Game times 3:30 and ~ 4:45

Thursday,  January 15th   6/7th grade boys jamboree @ Britton M.S. 3:30pm
Thursday,  January 15th   8th  grade boys jamboree @ South Valley M.S. 3:30

Tues. Jan. 20th
Brownell vs. South Valley
@ Brownell (home)
Thurs. Jan.22th      
Brownell vs. Murphy
@ Murphy (away)
Tues. Jan 27th
Brownell vs. Solorsano
@ Solorsano (away)
Thurs. Jan. 29th
Brownell vs. Bernal  
@) Brownell (home)
Tues. Feb. 3rd
Brownell vs. Britton   
@ Brownell (home)

Coach Santiago
Coach Harrell

A.D. Groppe

Brownell Holiday Music Program 
Concert Band
Symphonic Band
Tuesday, December 16th 
7:30 pm

That is all for now!
Have a Very Happy Holiday Break!
Mr. CL 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Week of December 8, 2014

The weather has changed and brought us much needed rain... 

This week we are probably going to have the biggest storm yet--Thursday into Friday.  And yes, we should be thankful…

What we also know is that we haven't exactly had any real cold weather as yet, one morning- a hint of frost…  

There are also Day Lilies ready to bloom on campus and we have a pumpkin plant growing in the quad in front of Rooms 1-4 with a blossom.  

And it is December... and we are in what part of the hemisphere?
I’m just saying…..

Parent Club Meeting this Wednesday 
at 7:00 pm 
in the Library!

Five Resources to Help Parents Understand the Common Core
1. Learning to Read the Core with Sarah Brown Wessling: Even though this webinar is for teachers, many parents have found it straightforward and accessible.
2. PTA: Parent’s Guide to Student Success (available in Spanish too): Theseconcise documents will give an overview of Common Core throughout the grades in parent-friendly terms.
3. Parent Road Maps to the Common Core from Council of the Great City Schools: With more detail than the PTA guides, these maps — ELA and Math — hone in on some standards and offer ways to connect with them at home too.
4. Frequently Asked Questions on the Common Core: From the writers of Common Core, this page addresses questions they often field.
5. CCSS Changes and their Impact on TeachingRead and listen as I address some of your questions about the Core’s impact on the classroom.
W.o.W. Word of the Week!

Examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, especially information), typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation.
"we need to analyze our results more clearly"

synonyms:   examine, inspect, survey, study, scrutinize, look over;
·       discover or reveal (something) through detailed examination.
"I intend to analyze the sexism in such texts"
·       psychoanalyze (someone)

That's All For Now!
Mr. CL 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Week of December 1, 2014

Is the rain really here? This week it is!

 Welcome back to Brownell... three weeks until Winter Break.

And the end of the first semester! 
(December 19th) Middle Schools changed their semester schedules this year and are now following the high schools format, which leaves the first semester a few days shorter than the second.

8th graders need to be very careful with their grades. Each semester has the same weight and the final grade (which must be at least a D) is the average of the two semesters. So...

The next three weeks are make for break time for the first semester... on your mark, get set....

W.o.W. Word of the Week! IMPLY
tr.v. im·pliedim·ply·ingim·plies
1. To involve by logical necessity; entail: Life implies growth and death.
2. To express or indicate indirectly: His tone implied disapproval. 

Synonyms: suggest, hint, intimate, insinuate


Speaking of a shortened time period… 

Don’t forget that Monday, December 1st is an early release day—all students out at 12:00-Noon!  Teacher Staff Development at South Valley.


For your education and viewing pleasure, here is a TED talk with a message that is spoken with authority...  

"How autism freed me to be myself"


-Sports this WEEK-
Boys Basketball try-outs tomorrow – TIME – TBA
~Tomorrow’s GAMES~
Girls’ Basketball - Brownell vs.  Britton  @ Brownell (home)
Wrestling - Brownell vs. Britton @ Britton (away)

That is all for now.... Mr. CL 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week of November 17, 2014

Welcome to the last full week before Thanksgiving Week...  Which will be vacation for the students.  I know, always a mixed blessing... 

W.o.W. Word of the Week!


  verb \ri-ˈzälv, -ˈzȯlv also -ˈzäv or -ˈzȯv\
: to find an answer or solution to (something)
: to settle or solve (something)
: to make a definite and serious decision to do something
: to make a formal decision about something usually by a vote


This week in SPORTS!

Wrestling this Tuesday and Thursday

Basketball - Thursday

Home games...

Brownell will be presenting the 
School Plan for 2014-15
Thursday at 5:30 PM
in the
GUSD Board Room
We hope to see you there!


That is all for now... the next Brownell Parent Blog will be out after Thanksgiving!  See you then! 
Mr. CL 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Week of November 10, 2014


Welcome back!
I hope you had/will have a nice Veterans Day and are now ready for students to get back to School.   Below is a Ted Talk video that is very well worth watching.   Veteran, Wes Moore answers the question, "How do you talk to veterans about the war?"  Very relevant, very necessary...


2014-15 School Plan

On November 20th at 5:30 pm the three middle school Principal's will be presenting their 2014-15 School Plans to the Board of Education.  I will be presenting our Successes from last school year and our challenges and focus for this school year.  The following are the four main areas of focus that I will be discussing and answering questions from the Board.  

Four main areas of focus for the 2014-15 school year:
Continued Common Core Training, Development, Implementation and Critique
Governance Structure, Professional Learning Communities and Communication
Olweus and the Bruin Bullying Prevention Program
Customer Service

Once the plan has been presented and approved by the Board, you will be able to access  
copy of it.  It will be posted on the District Website as well as our school Website.  


Superintendent Dr. Flores has determined customer service as a goal for all schools this year. As part of our focus on customer service, Brownell will be having a series of staff development sessions for all of our staff through the school year to better serve our students and families as well as each other.   We will soon have a form that you can fill out to let us know how we are doing and the District will also be surveying our families a little later in the school year for more comprehensive information.   

WoW Word of the Week!


[uh b-teyn come into possession of; get, acquire, or procure, as through an effort or by a request: 2. to attain or reach.

Synonyms: prevailbe in force, applyexistbe in use, be in effect, standhold

Have a Great Week Everyone!  MR. CL