Sunday, September 20, 2015


Hello and Goodbye everyone!

I am having surgery tomorrow on my back and will be out until January or so...  I won't be able to keep up with the blog for you 100 or so families that access, but I will be back in 2016!

David Laboranti will be the acting Principal
Rebecca Mullen will be our Instructional Asst. Principal
and here and there, retired administrator Jim Gama will be in to help out as well.  
Your students are in great hands!

Take care, be kind and smile!

~Mr. CL

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Week of September 14, 2015

Welcome back after a week of 100 plus degree weather!  This week we'll get down to the  80's where we belong.... 

Anyway!   Hello!


I'll start out with some not so good news...  As many of you know I have been having back issues since I was rear-ended about two years ago in my car...  At the time it didn't seem too bad but through the months it continued to be a growing painful bother... Some MRI's, Physical Therapy, cortisone shots and a back surgery last May and here I am in worse shape than before as the original herniated disc just hasn't healed and has now collapsed.    Probably too much information, but I wanted you to know why I will be gone.  

So... I will be taking a Medical Leave of Absence--again!  This time I will be out much longer.  My last day before I go on leave will be this Thursday, the 17th and it is projected that I will be out until mid school year--so January or so.  Hopefully, this will be the cure to what ails me and I'll come back strong and be able to get around to the classrooms and the students much better than I have the last couple of years.

David Laboranti, our Assistant Principal will be the acting Principal while I'm on leave.  Dr. Flores is working on Mr. Laboranti's support partner who will be announced this week and we have had a number of teachers step up to take leadership roles in different areas so that the students are fully supported. Your child will be safe and secure and will continue to get a great education at Brownell Middle School.


Speaking of a great education.... 

SBAC (State test results) have finally been released and you should soon be receiving your child's test results.   As is predicted, the old CST scores look nothing like the new test results.  Different test, different process and different standards.   As has been the case in nearly all ares of the State, percentage scores correct have dropped from the last State Tests.  And they should!   

Besides being so different and new....  the new standards are much harder!  Here are our scores per grade level, as well as overall.  Compared to the other two middle schools we compared favorably so we all have a lot of work to do!  
Compared to the State overall we scored higher and compared with the whole county we scored lower.   

These results will be used as our base line for State Academic Performance Indexes (API) for growth comparisons.  

You can find school results at:


closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand.
"The candidate's experience is relevant to the job"

synonyms: pertinent, applicable, apposite, material, apropos, to the point, germane

The "Mindful Word of the Fortnight" is 



That is all for now! ~ Mr. CL

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Week of September 7, 2015


Here is some quick news you might have missed on the front page of The Brownell website:

btn image.jpg

We are excited to welcome you to our 2015-16 Back to School Night on Wednesday, September 9, 2015, starting at 6:00 – 8:00 pm.  Please follow your student's CLASS SCHEDULE for the class rotations from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. 
We are looking forward seeing you here!


Practice: Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school until 4:30 pm

All Cross Country Meets are at Xmas Hill Park - Start time ~ 3:30 pm

Sept. 10th
 SV- Brownell- ASMS- Bernal Britton Murphy (top 10 fun run)

Sept. 17th 
South Valley Invititational (top 10 fun run) 

Sept. 24th
SV- Brownell- ASMS- Davis- Britton
Bridges-Bernal- Hoover- Herman (top 10 fun run)

October 1st
SV- Brownell- ASMS- Davis- Murphy- Herman- Hoover

October 8th
South Division Meet

October 15th
Sectional Finals


Wow Word of the Week!

an actor's part in a play, movie, etc.

"Dietrich's role as a wife in war-torn Paris"
synonyms:  part;  

the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation.

"She greeted us all in her various roles of mother, friend, and daughter"

synonyms: capacity, position, job, post, office, duty, responsibility, mantle, place; 


That is all for now!  ~Mr. CL